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How To Make Cannabutter With The Levo 2 Infuser

Jan 11

Have you been looking for a method to create yourself CBD products? This Levo 2 Infuser could be the ideal choice for you! This gadget can assist you to make cannabutter quickly and easily with no hassle. Simply follow these easy steps and you'll be on your way to making some tasty CBD snacks!

How To Make Cannabutter With The Levo 2 Infuser

How to use the Levo 2 Infuser

If you're trying to make cannabutter with Levo 2, the Levo 2 infuser, here are the fundamentals:

1. Fill the Levo 2 infuser with ground cannabis, and then place it in the oven over moderate temperature.

2. When your Levo 2 is hot, make it a little hotter and then wait for it to get to a boiling point.

3. As it boils, sprinkle in your desired amount of oil (we recommend using around 2-3 tablespoons per ounce cannabis).

4. When the cannabis and oil are thoroughly mixed then turn off the flame and let the mixture sit for around 20 minutes.

5. After 20 minutes have passed After 20 minutes, use a spoon to gently strain all of marijuana's solids out of the oil (it's okay if there are tiny pieces left).

6. Pour the strained cannabutter into a jar or glass container and store in a cool, dark location (we prefer to store ours in the refrigerator). Enjoy!

What is cannabutter?

Cannabutter is an oil infused with cannabis that is used to cook with, or to smoke. It is produced by heating cannabis leaves and flowers until they begin to liquefy before straining the mixture. Cannabutter is also made by using an infuser device such as the Levo.

What are the components in cannabutter?

The base ingredients for cannabutter are cannabis as well as fat. The most well-known type of fat used is vegetable oil, but coconut oil, butter or ghee could also be employed. When Cannabis is heated with this fat it produces a psychoactive compound called THC.

THC is the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis and it is what makes the drug have mind-altering properties. Other cannabinoids inside marijuana (such such as CBD) could help in the beneficial effects. However, THC can be responsible for producing euphoria, relaxation, and a feeling of well-being.

The last component in the cannabutter recipe is salt. This is a way to improve the flavor, and also ensure that the mixture remains fluid.

How do you make cannabutter?

Making cannabutter is easy with this Levo infuser. Just add some cannabis in your top-most chamber. Then, fill the lower chamber with vegetable oil, and then switch it on. The Levo infuser will extract THC and other cannabinoids while you make your cannabis.

After that, take the flowers and leaves from your cannabis. Discard any plant debris left. Add your cannabinoids to a blender or food processor, and blend until the mixture is smooth. If you prefer, you can filter the mixture through coffee filter or cheesecloth for a smoother result. Keep the cannabutter in an airtight container and keep it in a cool , dry place. It should last up to 2 weeks.

Recipe for cannabutter


1/2 ounce of high-quality cannabis oil

1/4 cup of unsalted butter

1 teaspoon of ground black pepper


1. Begin by heating your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Spread the butter out on an oven sheet and allow it to melt.

3. Incorporate the cannabis oil and let it heat until it becomes liquefied.

4. Stir in the pepper and place the mixture in the pan with either a spatula or spoon.

5. Bake for 10 minutes, then take it out of the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before using it in your recipes.


If you're interested in trying cannabutter, but don't want to go over budget or risk making a poor batch, this guide about how you can make it using the Levo 2 infuser is for you. If you follow these easy steps, and using high-quality ingredients, you will be able to make the highest-quality cannabutter to enhance your cannabis experience. Don't be left out, get Levo 2 right now!

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